Saturday, November 25, 2006

Company Party

  1. Boy did we turn it up at the Bartles and James Holiday party or what. I can't believe I hooked up with that chick! And that guy too! It's amazing how loose you get after huffing Pledge and drinking Everclear with Mountain Dew for a few hours. All kidding aside, I had a great time brother James. The funny thing is we are much fatter than these peple.


Anonymous said...

can't beat a good zombie party. to think that at some point that night i was in the passenger seat of my brothers car in an aplus parking lot with a cop car on either side. it seemed like a rather suitable last night of drinking.

Anonymous said...

I have a changing opinion as to your blogs importance, because I have now read your blog, not completely, but I have read your blog completely twice. I have read more than two-thirds of your blog, in other words, three times. I have encountered your blog over a period of about three or four years. I read an excerpt from it; then I read your blog entirely about two years ago, when it came out. In the last few days I have read your blog very slowly and carefully. I have read the first hundred and ten entries of your blog.

Anonymous said...

goldielox, you win the prize for being the first to figure out the mathematical foundation to this blog, if not the universe itself.
congrats. you are the best...i would gladly challenge you to a duel of pre-homelessness soup math anyday.


Anonymous said...

my little chicken noodle...

I also found out that my favorite thing to do is out of style. Whispers of the end had been sticking to every idea i have had in the last 23 years. But i ignored them. And out of fear i have washed my ideas twice after every use. I had missed the point completely though and now I am really stuck.

This should be enough explination for you and so, as stated above, upon your request, I will begin to write. Don't expect me to live up to your favorite writter though, you know better than that. me and that person have nothing in common. They gave birth to me and however personal that seems, we have not spoken since.