horror to glory to coma to ever since that first umbilical snap to back again this circuit open and close open and close open and we keep doing this i can trace it back it is this even line it directs me we'll go on this cycle again it will take bare knuckle rain we'll take the ride i have every fucking memory from every fucking life and i know that i don't need to end up full of holes i don't want to end up like bonnie and clyde but if you'd like to?
and brother bartles and sister ethel and anonymous nicolle and the real brother james i will be expecting you to contact me you all know my home phone. this is the holiday season.
1 comment:
but I don't know yr phone... I told you I lost all my numbers for real. please give me yr number so I can call you when I'm in New England tomorrow. Same time zone, no fucking math. Just clean like that, straight up. DO IT. I need you to.
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