Thursday, February 01, 2007

because 6 out of 31 ain't bad...

I was aiming for a completely sober month. I'll accept this 6 out of 31 ratio as a modest success. I am in the early stages of another great reconstruction. I am always either climbing up or falling down. I never enjoy any time at the summit. No one ever does. Once you reach it you can plant your flag and snap a picture or two but the oxygen is way too thin up there. YOU HAVE TO COME DOWN. I was almost surprised by this calender. I've never had a ratio like this, at least not in the last seven years.
and i'm in an usually good mood today. even better, it's a calm and centered good mood. i just caught myself reading deepak chopra for christ's sake. i credit this mood to a request my father made of me this morning. he asked me if i might help him drag a couch outside to the curb for the garbage men in the morning. i thought, "fuck that!!! i'll do it myself", it's funner that way. there is something cathartic about throwing a couch off the front steps and dragging it through the snow. this was our cat's couch. she basically spent the last month of her little life camped out on the thing. not to mention the fact that the couch was 17 years old and just downright nasty. from this day forward evry morning will begin with the removal of some piece of furniture from this house. drink of the day: diet dr. pepper. i've said it before, and i'll say it again, any drink with phosphoric acid is a drink for me. translated: if it's good enough for institutional toilet cleansers then it's good enough for my guts....


not since elian gonzalez or my new years '99 y2k multicast have i been more excited by such a ridiculous news story. and thanks to these two jack-offs and their cringe-inducing press conference i finally have a name for my generation:


thanks guys...


Anonymous said...

Were these two douchebags hired by cartoon network, or did they take it upon themselves to put circuit boards around town? I can't figure out what the deal is--didn't this happen in a bunch of different cities? WHy is this the only event in the outside world that i am concerned about?

Anonymous said...

they were hired by a third party advertising firm. interference, inc. they made 300 dollars to place these little light boards around boston. these light boards were also placed in 9 or so different cities, and had been there for weeks with no complaints. they are innocent of evrything except that they decided they would be "different" and "interesting" or whatever the fuck during a press conference immediately following their arraignment.BUT they were just awful, and they should have been silent while facing terrorist charges. So they are douchebags...

Anonymous said...

Actually saw the local news @11 in Boston on that historical day. In the opening paragraph: "A show about a meatball, a milkshake, and a carton of french fries responsible for Boston's morning terrorism scare?" (Fox 25)

Excuse me, I have to go to You tube now.

Anonymous said...

it sure was a great diversion from reality for a if we could just replace all the guns and bombs in iraq with nerf balls and water baloons evrything would start to turn around...