Friday, August 31, 2007

The Abyss that is JD Drew

Well we always knew this bastard would haunt us, never really a doubt, never really any good times. At least Matt Clement went 8-0 to start off his dreadful term with the Sox.

This series was certainly not fun to watch, not that I watched it, I listened to it. A couple of things stand out....Joba Chamberlain has officially arrived & J. Damon still has a flair for the dramatic.

And who the hell scheduled this series in the middle of the week?

Regarding our diminshing division lead of 5 games, I don't think there's any question we will barely snake out the division, but seeing the Yankees in the playoffs with our bats this dead would be quite scary. Dice-K and Beckett clearly aren't pitching in a dominant fashion (which is what got us here in the first place)

But what this all proves is that Manny, not Schilling, is the heart of this team. With him out we really are an average at best line-up.

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