- i'm still trying to figure out how the red sox call the first game of a double header for rain yet still manage to play the second. how about one game at a time? must be playing Yankees rules baseball (call a game only after Yankees have a lead)...
- the main reason i love The Yankees is because i get so much done during their games. in 14 innings i managed to paint the living room and find a replacement burner for the grill. (75 and sunny this weekend- oh, shit!)
- Girardi needs to stop letting CC hang himself. CC blows games because he wants to pitch the whole fucking thing, and this early in the season his fat ass just isn't up to the challenge. stop being a bitch, Joe- don't ask CC if he wants to come out of a game, just do it.
- the one thing that concerns me with this team is the health factor, and i'm not talking about Matsui barely walking the bases. to me it is a bit disturbing watching CC stuff big wads of chewing tobacco under his lip while Swisher stands next to him in the dug out and chugs a can of red bull between every inning. you almost expect a pizza box to be lying open on the bench and a keg of beer at first base.
- i don't have a problem with the Yankee jet stream when it allows a Melky Cabrera home run to bring an end to a five hour 14 inning snozzer of a game. (snozzer, that's my word. deal with it. embrace it)
- Boston tomorrow...
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