Saturday, May 23, 2009

2 great games (or two great ninth innings)

i forget the stat that fox kept repeating, but it was something like 84 homeruns in 21 games at the new Yankee stadium. AROD hits another in the ninth (but AROD homeruns are never cheap wind current homeruns, he'd hit it out of a 500 foot right center field) and cano and melky come up with clutch hits, and another walk off win, and a pie in the face for each of them. CC on Sunday. i predict a yankee win and a clutch AROD, who could believe it.

on the other hand, i suffered through 8 innings of gay keith hernandez to see an awesome ending in the mets/sux game. still not sure what francona was arguing about after the replay of that homerun. i still can't believe the sux have lost two to the fucking gay mets, jesus- look at that awful barely double-A lineup. they don't even have enough players to play. half the mets infield is using borrowed mitts... and fenway faithful are booing ortiz? that can't be good. 

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