Thursday, May 14, 2009

it's not over yet...

(i paid more attention to these guys than the actual game itself. ken singleton and al leiter are instant comatose, murder, and death behind the mic. btw
give me michael kay and david cone, sometimes paul o'neill, and let's call it a day... i'll never understand why ken singleton does Yankee games, all he talks about is the 1970's Orioles and earl fucking weaver.  give me a fucking break.... it could be worse, over on the mets channel keith hernandez is droning on about how fantastic, and delightfully european, San Fransisco is....jeez.......)

yankees win in a snoozer. it's what was required. 8-2, and the only interesting thing was those two jack-asses in the first row behind homeplate dressed up in umpire gear complete with the mask and evrything. this team needs to stop treading water and gain some steam by the end of this month. this is not the summer to be chasing, there are too many teams to catch. toronto will fold, Halladay can't pitch evry game. the sux will eventually crack from the lack of ortiz production and other assorted injuries that are already rearing there ugly head. it's not like john smoltz is going to be of any fucking use. as far as i'm concerned the yankees are getting all of their injuries out of the way at once. and as for the AAA bottom of the lineup, fuck- evryone has been saying the Yankees need to get younger, right? it was those kids and damon who scored all of the runs last night. damon is holding this team together, imagine that...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone just got back from politic spin class