neglecting my responsibilities
i guess the whole point of this is to document yankees/red sox games. last night there was rain in the bronx, and i got through about two and a half Yankeeographies before i fell asleep. i woke up around one in the morning and there was a game on, i don't know if it was live or already a Yankee Encore, and i didn't stay awake long enough to figure it out.... so let's just say that Yankees win 12 - 4, that sounds reasonable. i'll try and stay awake this evening, but the yankees are just so fucking boring so far this spring and mixed with a 2 and a half hour rain delay, that is a perfect sleeping situation.

( i searched for yankees asleep and this is what i got...)
I love that derek jeter managed to stay single all these years is quite possibly the greatest bachelor story of all time. I have to be honest since the bruins and celtics are in mid-playoffs nobody really can pay attention to the sox. Hey its works both ways in october.
i wanted to see if anybody showed up, but after that long of a rain delay it is hard to judge actual turnout. if they can't sell out vs. the sox or the mets then they have will have a real problem...
"have will have"? why don't they let you edit comments????
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