Tuesday, October 31, 2006

James Brown/Tom Brady/and my Madden addiction

Everybody has bad days:

It's been a bad year for me, I feel like the equivalent of a high draft-pick that completely doesn't live up to expectatons. (By the way I use sports analogies to help me get through tough emotional things in my life that I can't just come out and talk about, sorry girls, its not exactly new to you, I know).

You say to yourself, "I'm awesome", "Everybody tells me I'm awesome", then you find out that none of those people can pay you a salary and all the people who can do not think you are awesome. Then you get depressed and start crying and calling your mom to tell you about stories when you were really important as a reason for her to keep on going.

James knows what I'm talking about, things weren't always that good. You know what though? This guy is the godfather of soul! Sometimes occurances happen in your life where you don't feel all that hot. That doesn't mean that you never were the man:

Talk about "A Tale of Two Cities" these photos should be in psychology textbooks, when I'm drunk I feel like Tom, when I'm hungover I feel James. A lot of people talk about Einstein's Brain; I suggest demanding Tom Brady's brain as government property. Put that shit in the Smithsonian. Funny stat, I've seen Brady play about fifty times more than I've seen the Declaration of Independence. See the Elias Sports Bureau for that one.

I spent most of the year playing Madden '06. It got to the point where I was showing up late to work to finish games and flunking out of my only class, an entry level intro to computers class. Staying up until 4AM to enginneer trades and scout for drafts. The stress drove me to drink. Of course I would wake up at noon and crack open a 43 cent (at cost) High Life can to start each and every game or administration session.

In short I was a combination of both photos you see above. A winner on the football field, a user of abusive substances, and yet here I sit....still both of those of things. Did you know that Playstation 3 is coming out?
Bet you didn't see that coming.

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