Thursday, November 02, 2006

kiss like Iraq

i am choosing to omit october's fatalities. i am instead requiring human beings to own up.
politics are not the answer. there are no democrats who will magically save anything...
it's humanity.
when i was a child i never dreamt that i'd grow up into a world so dim. useless. defeating.
what's worse is when you were young and you finally realize that there is no revolution. no fucking riot to rush it all away. it sticks, to the bones and to the flesh, to form a film over what should be a rational fucking mind.
what makes it make sense?

i called up my brother early this morning to come over and help me clean the garage. we pushed the montego into the lawn and organized tools and shit until it looked like we were running a fucking auto parts shop. we pushed the montego back in and got lunch. i am waiting for my brother (either one) to finally understand that we have to go in business for ourselves. any business. any fucking way.

there is another way and it is never the way you think.

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