Monday, November 13, 2006


and we all know about the rings we grow around the root of the original problem. blah blah blah. yuck. tonight i watched harold and maude/ dr. strangelove/ & garden state all within an 8 hour period. somehow they all became the same movie. each one telling the other's story. i filled half a notebook with the strangest notes. it was a strange night, to say the least. and fucking beautiful. i'd never seen harold and maude before or understood dr strangelove before or liked garden state before.
i dont want to look for work anymore. i dont need the pressure to have to wake up anymore. atleast not every day.


Anonymous said...

I did too, the first time. I thought I was watching a rather unimaginative episode of Scrubs. Lets just say I hated it less the second time, but I still think that Natalie Portman character needed to be killed off by some kind of disease, maybe next time i watch it She will be.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sister. Long time, no see!!!