Saturday, December 23, 2006


with the first sips we fire up the ship. officially enter a time of holiday communication blackout. three days trying to sustain a suitable level of intoxication. get through christmas, it doesn't exist anyways. my sister is on a holiday meditation retreat for a week or so. my brother has his other family. i dont think bartles is in town.
i cant be fat and bearded and washed out like this much longer, but i'll give myself the next three days. communication blackout so i dont share the breakdown with others. merry christmas.
i'll be back soon enough with unattainable new years goals and resolutions...

***last minute addition***
but don't worry. your brother is a genius. and no matter the horror i have to live, i will make something of it. the glass is half full. but it's half full of shit. blackout/ rainout christmas. it's 55 and rainy in western new york. from 4:30 to 8:50 i've had 14 genny beers. i've 16 left for tonight and they don't work. i can't get drunk. what the fuck...

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