Monday, January 29, 2007

Clearing My Brain

-I would hope most people concede that the U.S. will not go on forever. Just like all of the civilizations that we give the mystique treatment to (greeks, egyptians, mayans, mermaids) we will one day loose this land, or leave it.

-What will happen to all the art? What will survive? You have to say sculpture has the edge, things like Davis Smith's steel legos. But what's going to stick around? I think Warhol would just be overlooked as crap by that point. Luckily DVD's will not regenerate for millions of years. Now if we could design a DVD player to last longer than six months we would be in great shape.

-Why am I always broke this time of year? Oh yeah, I don't make shit for money.

-Magnolia is a great movie, specifically for the beginning sequence which illustrates some urban legends. I think all of us, when we hear a crazy strory, all us experience an explosion of imagination in our brains. That must be what imagination was like before TV.

-You Tube....poor man's tivo.

-I have entre envy

-Do not purchase a puppy or kittens, it's like picking a three year old as your best friend. Eventually you get sick of they're crying and lack of potty skills.

-A reporter went around the streets of NY asking people if they thought Barak Obama was a dangerous threat to U.S. security. They all said yes! Get ready for another "election".

-Lastly, if you don't know who Malcolm Gladwell is...go to is a really good read.


Anonymous said...

The world will end in 2012 anyways, so what's it matter? I just had to get a loan from my brother(booooooh...) , the same day I got a collection statement from a bank I overdrafted at YEARS ago, I'd forgotten about that bank all together....I'll just ignore it, like everything else. The tough part is there isn't any kind of pension or retirement plan when you retire from the world at age 26. I'll figure it out. I mean fall into some newer pile of shit....HA!!!

Anonymous said...

do you consider "the U.S." a civilization unto itself??? were the mermaids a civilization??? i thought they came from atlantis... any clarification would help.
and as far as elections go I almost thought they were this year, not 17 fucking months from now...
(kucinich '08, by the way)

Anonymous said...

Kicinich '08 might be tough, I saw him speak once, intertesting.

Apparently he is the head of the FCC now, no joke.

Anonymous said...

Kucinich and the fcc are polar opposite ideas. i'd check your source on that one. and it's always my point to support the candidate who has no shot but decides to run anyways, the last sliver of a democracy...