Friday, January 12, 2007

god bless us.

up all night with the Permanent War. what has been accomplished this week. we bombed some dudes in somalia. we sent 21,000 or so more men and women to iraq in an attempt to "win the war". manhattan smelled for a couple hours? and i was just watching a news update about an explosion at the us embassy in athens.(12.41 am). i just want to watch conan and try to get to sleep... republicans against bush? i'm beginning to actually write a novel? well it will be words on paper in a pile, we'll call it something when we're done. the world's not supposed to end till 2012. it's gonna be a long hard time. god bless us.
(i'll update in the morning if i ever get to sleep...)

when i woke up (2.20 pm) fox news was still talking about "Donald and Rosie"- so i guess the world is still right where it was when i went to sleep. (7.30 am) i was up all night, probably due to high hypericin doses mega b- complex doses and dr. pepper(mmmmm.phosphoric acid)- you have no idea how great it feels to be filling up notebooks again. front and back. I've spent years trying to get myself back into writing/ writing anything at all/ and all of the sudden it's flooding back. scribbling in the dark because every thought may be vital.critical. never forget a thing. keeping pen and paper at the edge of the bed, fuck! it feels good. baby steps sure, but not when it comes to this. after years of dead weight depression it feels great to be a bit manic. i just need to move the desk over by the back window and set some guidelines down for myself. it needs to be disciplined writing. silent writing. a schedule for weeks and weeks. I've got time. it's the discipline thing that gets me. i just need to get into it and then it wont seem so impossible. impossible is something, indeed, but not today... horaccordian.

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