Tuesday, January 16, 2007

snow blind. yesterday's ice has formed a glacier around my car. after half an hour of struggling to gain any sort of entrance i gave up and decided to wait till spring before i go anywhere again. i realized today that i am a very negligent parent. i adopted the hydrant across the street in 1991, i even had a certificate of adoption, but i can't remember the last time i even bothered to clear the snow away from it. i think i did it once, in 1991, and its just been sitting there teeming with resentment ever since...
(or is it harboring resentment) (does it matter?)

is there anything worse than snow shoveling?

just as soon as i finished shoveling the driveway it was covered with snow again.

so back inside and sweeping the floor and dancing with the broom and belle and sebastian on left of center 26, and somehow my dream of being a big tough guy and driving cross country robbing banks seems extremely preposterous... i was reminded of my favorite thing about that bus job i used to have, cleaning buses in the middle of the middle of the night, dancing and singing to myself... i should become a butler, call me bukowski belvedere solving some strange families problems by day and robbing them blind of liquor and possessions by night. i should start my own charles in charge service, what did he do anyways?....somehow i always end up a buddy lembeck instead.

i couldn't convince my brother to go sledding today. i dont think he'll ever fully forgive me for leaving him out of a lot of these things when we were kids. we'd only let him sled with us on the hopes that he'd fall into the creek. and he usually did...cold blooded old times.


I did not adopt the hydrant across the street, that was adopted by the girl who lived next door, I actually adopted some hydrant down the street (i think on the corner of galen). unfortunately, i did not take care of that one either, but i dont feel so bad now about neglecting the one just across the street. why would i care about a hydrant in front of someone else's house? you'd think my brain's proclivity to retain and recall so many inconsequential facts would be of some greater benefit...........

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