Wednesday, March 14, 2007

too much Pacino

in the last 48 hours i have watched all three Godfather movies and the movie Heat.
i agree with what most people think about the Godfather trilogy:

1. the first one is great
2. the second one is greater
3. the third one shouldn't even be called a Godfather movie. it really isn't. i try hard to not be swayed by public opinion, but i have to say "yes, it does blow..."

Heat is a 171 minute movie that should have been 81 minutes long. if you squint you can see where this is almost a great movie.
The Pacino/ De Niro diner scene is one of the greatest moments in american cinematic history.

all this leaves me wanting to see Dog Day Afternoon again, which is without a doubt Pacino's greatest role. yet, no matter how great an actor Pacino may be, this is way too much Pacino for any 48 hour period. HOOH-Hah!!!

in other "movies i've watched" news: i just saw Babel, and christ it's depressing. i also caught the last part of The Great Escape , you know the part where almost all of the escapees from Stalag Luft III are recaptured and killed.
(and if that is a spoiler -then shame on you if you haven't seen The Great Escape by now- it has got to be in the top ten of the best things ever according to me)
my left leg is permanently asleep in my quest to see EVERY movie that's ever been made...
i just saw The Prestige, and i think i said the same about The Illusionist, it makes me wish i was a creepy magician at the turn of the (previous) century. i'm interested now in finding out more about the production of these two movies. i mean they are similar in many, many ways. from subject matter, to release date, to incredibly hot actresses (scarlett johansson/ jessica biel) to ... well, to a whole bunch of other similarities, i'm sure.

There is one area where The Prestige certainly stands alone. Not only has Nikola Tesla finally been featured prominently in a story, but who is that playing Nikola Tesla?????

that's right- it's David Fucking Bowie! ! ! beat that , Illusionist.

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