Saturday, April 21, 2007

Somebody Get Torre Some Ointment

Well, it is not a regular occurance to have your heartbeating over a game in mid-April but the first match-up of the year was certainly a thriller. The Fenway crowd is really showing how intense baseball is around here. I refuse to believe you'll see atmosphere like that anywhere this time of year. I feel bad for fans that don't get to experience things like this...hey we're lucky us Sox and Yanks fans.

Just so happens us Sox fans are a little luckier when Mo Rivera is pitching, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

This series is pretty much showcasing how deep we are with pitching and how thin the Yanks are right now, chances are good the owner of the Twins will be missing in the morning. His last trace of existence being a signature on a Johan Santana for Scott Procter and player to be named later trade. This shit happens every year.

Keep losing Yanks, Clemens will turn you down like you have crabs if you're .500 at the all-star break.

P.S. Bartles will do a Running Diary for Sunday's game at 8PM for Dice-K vs. the Bombers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fell asleep while watching the end of today's game. but not out of boredom, i'm just exhausted. it is amazing that these series always feel like playoff games or games with playoff implications. i hope it's just early in the season for MO and all he needs is to build arm strength, i'm not quite ready to write him off. but any more blown saves and i don't know what the fuck the yankees will do. maybe they'd be better off just setting up a Tee and playing an extra fielder... and how did gay-rod ever become HEY!Rod, he's finally a Yankee, it's just too bad that no one else is...