Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Brief History of Technology

01/1983: Cable tv and HBO become reasons to stay home from school for many days to come

06/1984: I am five and though I have no recollection of the time period, I know from past documentation that I have a record player that plays only singles. It is on this record player that years later that I will listen to Prince and realize I am a freak. I realize like to get freaky and secretly like the color purple.

12/1988: Nintendo! Given at the final minute of Christmas morning. Though I was also bequethed a small television and a rather large space in the entertainment center under the family tv. I would hide in this cubby space and close the magnetic doors and play in silence. Thank you Nintendo, you were my best friend.

06/1991: My first tape player, a Walkman. Accompanied by a tape called Bon Jovi: Slippery When Wet. I shun this music and decide to spend my life savings on the La Bamba Soundtrack. A financial move that I still condone.

12/1993: Sega Genesis. It's almost like they knew I would be smoking pot soon.

06/1995: Discman, the rich man's Walkman.

04/1997: My first ATM card/credit card, like I can handle this sort of responsibilty?

From here a huge technological gap takes place, history experts claim insufficient funds created a dark age for new products to surface. Although oral historians say a nicotine addiction is far more likely.
Although the Internet is invented, creating a world of masterbation so scandalous...

12/2002: Cd Burner, my dreams of Prince are finally realized. The jazz collecton reaches depth beyond my dreams.

05/2003: My first cell-phone. It is now 100% easier to get laid at 2 in the morning. I can also drink and dial, a habit harder to break than smoking.

12/2004: Talking Elmo (hey it's worth mentioning, sold like a billion units)

01/2005: I purchase a copy of Madden'06 for XBOX and my world is shattered, I will spend the next four months ignoring everybody and only addressing them with grunts. I will also accomplish very little in the real world.

10/2006: Blogger comes into my life, thank you blogger.


Anonymous said...

what about that cassette single you had. the one where you wanted Kris Kross but you got a tape single of two other young black kids with backwards pants? somewhere around 1992 i would presume.

Anonymous said...

we got our nintendo in '87 at kodak bonus time. in rochester this was the REAL CHRISTMAS. early march. in the 80's when the dividends paid. since then it's never been the same.

Anonymous said...

I did not order Kris Kross.
My first BMG CD order went as follows:
1, Das EFX
2, Arrested Develpoment
3, LL Cool J, 14 shot to the dome
4, Stone Temple Pilots, core
5, Pearl Jam, ten

Anonymous said...

Drinking and dialing is seriously the most awful, addicting self-abuse ever. Especially drinking and texting. Or should I say txtng. I think I should.