Friday, January 12, 2007

Personal Days

I went hiking this afternoon and fell in love with the mutt I hate most of the time-- I woke up early and got a job doing something I've never done before--I smoked a joint with the guys who made my lunch and one of them threw up-- Cooked a dinner that was more than satisfactory--I faked sick at work for the second day in a row-- I dressed up in a suit and looked like a million bucks-- I talked real estate over dinner with a fellow co-worker I bartended with once-- I listened to Howard in despair about the O.J trial for hours-- I sang to Lee "Scratch" Perry's "I'm A Psychiatrist" again today!-- I heard a close friend broke his hand today, but I haven't called yet--

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of mastertape theater.
The shows are too short and edited of so much content (ex-wife/ cbs executives). Not to mention that they have been remastered to lower his voice to match that over modulated voice he broadcasts with today...welcome back, Bartles!!!