Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
as i said...

Posted by Anonymous at 3:23 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 25, 2007
I'm paying for something, this is some kind of debt for sure. I have memories that aren't from movies or from anything else I've ever seen. The problem is that it takes so long for me to turn my big fat mind around. Like those time lapse films where a city could rise and set a thousand times and I'm just getting ready to possibly consider it... I remember streets that people tell me I've been on, i can see the moss and the damaged trees, but only like it's being described to me. I don't actually have memories of anything. And since I've started keeping a calender where i physically cross off each day evrything only becomes more apparent, never any easier. If i could just claim bankruptcy on all of those former lives perhaps they'd let me move a bit quicker today. Sunday. Going to the movies, going to Tinseltown. I'll finish this up later...
Posted by Anonymous at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Something / Anything Todd Rundgren
it's a mess but worth a couple of listens. some of it can make you cry. it's tugging on me today.
I'm pretty sure the only wake I'll ever attend is my own. goodnight...love you all.
Posted by Anonymous at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 19, 2007
The difference is...

Posted by Anonymous at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
St. Valentines Day

Sure- life is a massacre. but today is a SNOW DAY!!! and i've been up about 36 hours now. i'm doing my best ta' hold onto this feeling. this is a great feeling. it's hard to embrace life when you live in a hole- but i try- and i try!!!
Posted by Anonymous at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
milk and bread???
The latest from wroc-tv's Scott Hetsko, founder of prince based meteorology and my personal hero, is that today's winter storm ranks a "7" on his "milk and bread-O-meter". This is a scale where 1=Finish What You Got and 10=Stock UP. I'm a bit confused by a ranking of 7. Should I interpret this as meaning I should finish some of what I Got and maybe stock up on a little bit more. Does the kind of bread make a difference? I can't drink regular milk, what about lactaid? Is this all I will need in case of a major weather emergency? It reminds me of KOIN6 in Portland, and their Rate The Day system. If they rated the day a "3" I would carry that feeling with me all day, quarter of seven and the day was already shot...Janet Lomax wouldn't give me this kind of shit, Kevin Williams doesn't fuck around... (but then again they don't measure snowfall in terms of miniature pop stars)
Posted by Anonymous at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 12, 2007
We Hardly Knew Ye
Posted by Anonymous at 9:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 10, 2007
"sometimes i could just choke myself with laughter..."
Posted by Anonymous at 5:36 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 08, 2007
from kucinich.us :
"I remember where I came from. My priority as President will be to create economic opportunities and prosperity, to rebuild America’s cities, to repair America’s neighborhoods, to restore America’s industry, to renew America’s schools, to reclaim America’s health. I will ask our Democratic Congress to pass a single-payer not for profit health care plan, Medicare for All, a Universal Pre-Kindergarten bill, a Rebuild America’s Infrastructure bill, and legislation to create a cabinet-level Department of Peace and Non-Violence, which takes Dr. King’s dream and makes it an everyday reality."
i like the idea of the cabinet department of peace and non- violence. i saw nader on the daily show last night and he is just creepy. was he that creepy in 2000??? i can't deal with 17 months of hillarys and obamas and bidens and all the rest of these con-artists. with these to pick from (if i would even vote) i'd vote for giuliani. thank god for Kucinich, and the only thing to keep my interest in any of this bullshit.

Posted by Anonymous at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Clearing My Brain II
-Here at the Bartles and James Corporate offices I've been working on fun stuff to do. I keep a scale by the toilet. Before I have to take a bowel movement break, I weigh myself. Then after God's work is done I weigh myself again. This is quite possibly the most important work I have ever done!
-The Super Bowl was boring, but Prince is still heavily underrated in many categories of Entertainment. Interesting correlation here, Prince is from Minnesota and his favorite color is purple. The Minnesota Vikings have had purple uniforms since their inception. Anyway's great halftime show...best since Michael Jackson's like a decade ago.
-Tax time...I need money Uncle Sam, direct deposit motherfucka.
-You wouldn't believe what I do for a job these days, in fact I keep waiting for somebody to tell me to leave.
-Went to a great house-warming party the other night, house was great and all that, but the best part was that I got the chance to reconcile some hurt feelings with old roommates. That was a tough time for me and them, I'm glad we got drunk and hugged it out. I'm done living with good friends that shit never works out for me.
-DJ on Full House could have been a lot hotter, total snafu on the casting there. I don't care if she's Kirk Cameron's little sister...we are living in a different time I guess.
Posted by Anonymous at 11:57 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
there really isn't any love around here. where is bartles? where is james? i used to like it here. let's get back to it...
Posted by Anonymous at 12:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Posted by Anonymous at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 01, 2007
because 6 out of 31 ain't bad...
I was aiming for a completely sober month. I'll accept this 6 out of 31 ratio as a modest success. I am in the early stages of another great reconstruction. I am always either climbing up or falling down. I never enjoy any time at the summit. No one ever does. Once you reach it you can plant your flag and snap a picture or two but the oxygen is way too thin up there. YOU HAVE TO COME DOWN. I was almost surprised by this calender. I've never had a ratio like this, at least not in the last seven years.
and i'm in an usually good mood today. even better, it's a calm and centered good mood. i just caught myself reading deepak chopra for christ's sake. i credit this mood to a request my father made of me this morning. he asked me if i might help him drag a couch outside to the curb for the garbage men in the morning. i thought, "fuck that!!! i'll do it myself", it's funner that way. there is something cathartic about throwing a couch off the front steps and dragging it through the snow. this was our cat's couch. she basically spent the last month of her little life camped out on the thing. not to mention the fact that the couch was 17 years old and just downright nasty. from this day forward evry morning will begin with the removal of some piece of furniture from this house. drink of the day: diet dr. pepper. i've said it before, and i'll say it again, any drink with phosphoric acid is a drink for me. translated: if it's good enough for institutional toilet cleansers then it's good enough for my guts....
not since elian gonzalez or my new years '99 y2k multicast have i been more excited by such a ridiculous news story. and thanks to these two jack-offs and their cringe-inducing press conference i finally have a name for my generation:
Posted by Anonymous at 8:21 AM 4 comments
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